Guillermo Garza is a Mexican-American designer in Brooklyn, New York
He obtained a B.A in Architecture at Pratt Institute, with a Minor in Museum and Gallery Studies .
Monument to the Indegenous People of New York
Memory and Monument
Pratt Institute
Professor: Eric Moed
Fall 2022
Rhino, Enscape, Ilustrator, Photoshop
Memory and Monument
Pratt Institute
Professor: Eric Moed
Fall 2022
Rhino, Enscape, Ilustrator, Photoshop
The Monument to the Indigenous Peoples of New York gives back a piece of the Manahatta soil to Indigenous communities. The monument consists of a cylindrical mass that is elevated from the ground up to create a new landscape on accessible to Indigenous people through a stairwell in the perimeter. This land is stripped of its concrete, pipings and treatments down to its original makeup and reconditioned to its indigenous state. The land will become a place for gathering and refuge for indigenous communities. A place to tell stories, plant crops or gather for events.
[en español]
[en español]