Guillermo Garza is a Mexican-American designer based in Brooklyn, New York.

He obtained a B.A in Architecture at Pratt Institute, with a Minor in Museum and Gallery Studies.

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Guillermo Garza is a Mexican-American architecture student based in Brooklyn, New York.
He is currently studying at
Pratt Insititute.

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Guillermo Garza is a Mexican-American designer in Brooklyn, New York

He obtained a B.A in Architecture at Pratt Institute, with a Minor in Museum and Gallery Studies .

Puerto de Flores

Pratt Institute
Professor: Dragana Zoric
Fall 2023
Housing, Urban Planing, Speculative Design, Painting
Rhino, Enscape, Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Acryllic Paint

Mexican social housing has been modeled after American suburbanism since the inception of their standards of construction outlined in 1979 by the government. This standardization has created neighborhoods that are incompatible with the Mexican urban fabric, and present one off solutions that do not meet the needs of their residents, destroying the foundation for dense and varied growth that aids sustainability. It disallows variety, vernacular integration and responsiveness to the live/work lifestyle of modern day Mexicans.

This project explores what social housing can look like if the grips of its standards are dissolved, and it empowered individual residents to design their homes for themselves. Instead of standardizing floor plans and finishes, this new method provides homeowners with the core structure, allowing them to build upon it whatever they like. This new approach envisions housing as not a one time solution, but as a foundation for perpetual change, growth or decay, as the households evolve. Standardization of form has failed Mexico, so this proposal sees the role of the government as a just sponsor and overseer, allowing the residents to take a central role in their housing needs.

Lot 1 : Maria Eleonor, Don Rito,
Sra. Lupe 

Advocacy Office
Animal Pen

Site Conditions:
two pecan trees
flat profile

Lot 2 : Sra. Crista y Hija
Beauty Salon
Clothes Stand

Site Conditions:
Heavy brush
Narrow lot

Lot 3 : Sra. Crista y Hija
Auto Body Shop

Site Conditions:
Steep hillside
Large lot